- Admission open: Distance learning - Renewable energy - 1 Update
- Two PhD positions at KULeuven on East Antarctic climate and surface mass balance - 1 Update
- [APECS] Several opportunities for early career researchers - Travel fellowships to ISMASS Workshop at the IGS 2015 Meeting in Cambridge, UK in August 2015 and opportunity to join the ISMASS Steering Committee - 1 Update
IPRN <indian.polar@gmail.com>: May 19 10:50PM +0530 <http://www.teriin.org/apgdre2015/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=APGDRe_mailer&utm_campaign=APGDRE2015> Distance Learning Programme on Renewable Energy ...more |
IPRN <indian.polar@gmail.com>: May 19 10:49PM +0530 Dear colleagues, Two PhD positions (4-year period) that focus on Antarctic climate and surface mass balance, are available at the department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (*KU Leuven*, ...more |
IPRN <indian.polar@gmail.com>: May 19 10:49PM +0530 Dear APECS Members, ISMASS <http://www.climate-cryosphere.org/activities/groups/ismass> (Ice sheet mass balance and sea level) is a joint expert group of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic ...more |
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