Thursday, November 20, 2014

IPRNmail Fwd: [meetyeti] Fwd: 3rd Indian Biodiversity Congress 2014_Chennai

might be of interest to you


Dear Friends,

On behalf of the organising committee, we are delighted to invite you to join us at the 3rd Indian Biodiversity Congress 2014, which is scheduled at SRM University, Kattankulathur campus, Chennai during 17-20 December 2014.

The Indian Biodiversity Congress (IBC) is the largest get together of scientists, conservationists, environmentalists and civil society groups in India. The Indian Biodiversity Expo (IBE), to be held in conjunction with IBC 2014, is an attempt to bring together the government and nongovernment organisations,  community groups to showcase the rich heritage, wisdom in relation to the biodiversity of India.This event will feature seminars, national photography exhibition, civil society meet, documentary film festival and children's biodiversity conclave, besides a series of events.

Abstracts may be submitted under nine thematic areas for oral presentations. The last date for abstract submission has been extended until the 25th of November 2014. The abstract may be sent to the email of IBC secretariat (

The Indian Biodiversity Expo 2014 (IBE), showcasing the rich cultural biodiversity heritage of India, is the highlight of 3rd Indian Biodiversity Congress (IBC), and is expected to attract thousands of visitors.
More details about exhibition themes and special pavilions and stall charges are given in the brochure attached with this mail. You may please contact Dr. T.D.Babu (9884114721; email: for stall reservation.

Looking forward to your participation in the Indian Biodiversity congress 2014.


regards, Arthur

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