Dear Friends,
Pleased to share below a Call for Special poster session for young change-makers, which will be part of the ICIMOD international conference on 'Mountain People Adapting to Change' scheduled to be held in Kathmandu, Nepal from 9 to 12 November 2014.
More information on the conference is available on our website at
Please submit your abstracts via our web form latest by 15 August 2014. Selected young professionals will be informed of their selection by the end of September. The poster session is only open to the young professionals from countries in the HKH region.
Feel free to disseminate it widely and pass on to any interested young professionals.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
ICIMOD International conference on
Mountain People Adapting to Change
Solutions Beyond Boundaries Bridging Science, Policy and Practice
Kathmandu, Nepal
9-12 November 2014
Special Poster Session for Young Change-Makers
The ICIMOD international conference on 'Mountain People Adapting to Change' will include a special session devoted to showcasing cutting edge research and innovative policy and development approaches. The aim of this special session is to provide a forum for young scholars, policymakers and practitioners working in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region to display their work as it relates to the following themes:
· Climate change scenarios, modeling and downscaling for the region;
· Water availability and demand scenarios;
· Water management;
· Cryosphere and black carbon;
· Ecosystem and community based adaptation approaches;
· Food security, climate smart agriculture;
· Community vulnerability, adaptation, and livelihoods;
· Disaster management;
· Gender and adaptation;
· Technology-based solutions for addressing climate change;
· Communicating climate change and its impacts.
Young change-makers are encouraged to submit a 400-word abstract highlighting their work (either individual work or as part of an organization) in any of the themes listed above. A .jpg image with a rough visual outline of the poster can also be attached. The work should highlight concerns, new knowledge or document innovative approaches to issues within the particular theme as it relates to adaptation to change. The posters should contribute to the overall discussion of the themes during the Conference. The best five posters will also be encouraged to develop detailed papers, which will be considered for further publication.
A total of 20 posters will be selected for presentation, covering all eight countries of the Hindu Kush Himalayas. A limited number of selected presenters will be considered for financial support to attend the Conference.
All poster proposals must be submitted by 15 August 2014, 5PM (Nepal Standard Time) via our web form. Young change-makers will be informed of their selection by the end of September. Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions page if you have any further questions. This call for posters is open only to individuals whose work is in the countries of the HKH region (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan).

Subasana Shrestha
Communications and PR Associate, Knowledge Management
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
GPO Box 3226, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel +977-1-5003222 Ext 115 Fax +977-1-5003277 Web
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